Part-Time Job Survey Analysis
Part-Time Job Survey Analysis My research topic : Part-time job Target : Japanese University students Number of respondents : (17) (Summary) University students answered 9 different types of questions about part-time job. (Results) Graph#1 shows that most respondents have part-time job now. In fact, 94.1% responded "yes", 5.9% responded " used to do", and there were no "no" response. These result that university students have part-time jobs are as expected. #1 Graph#2 shows that restaurants are a popular part-time job. Part-time job in clothes store and cafe are also common. these kind of part-time job are general and as expected. However, part-time job in NITORI and Playhouse are rare. There are various kind of part-time jobs. #2 Graph#3 shows that from 1,000 yen to 1,100 yen is the common hourly wage. This includes the minimum wage in Hyogo. Also, there are also some people with higher hourly wages. Perhaps the higher hourly wage for some people is...